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Who We Are

Ember Birth Services is dedicated to providing professional, reliable and compassionate care during pregnancy and the postpartum period. We are a community centered practice with many local resources. Our doulas are experienced in attending births and caring for postpartum families in and around Albuquerque, New Mexico. We respect and serve all birthing preferences and offer a variety of services.

Black Lives Matter and Ember

Sarah Allen and I, Angelique Steadman, started our doula journey on the very same day; this was also the day we met. Although we were welcomed with open arms by our fellow doulas, we began to have reservations about the white culture that was prevalent within Albuquerque’s birth community.

When we set out to create EMBER BIRTH, our sole intent was to provide support services to all women, regardless of their ability to pay.

We decided to return to a traditional model of birth and prenatal health...a shift towards incorporating the time proven methods of birth and postpartum care.

We wanted to provide support for women who could not afford the cost of what, at this point in time, is currently only available to middle-class predominantly white families, and thus started a scholarship fund that is built into the cost of each service we provide.

The Black infant and maternal morbidity rate in New Mexico is unacceptable and our aim is to use doula care as a mitigating factor. And most importantly we have the autonomy to serve despite complex, non-traditional situations.

EMBER stands with Black Lives Matter. We will continue to provide culturally competent support and will no longer post or share information that doesn’t promote black centering.

What does this look like? Content that doesn’t feed into elitism or white privilege. Articles that highlight the practices of different cultures, traditions and inclusivity. But most importantly we will share the hard truths of Birthing While Black in America and the effects of systemic racism.

Join us as we unabashedly burn this motherfu*ker to the ground!

🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥

Be Well.

Sarah & Angelique

Services We Offer

Personalized Support

Birth Doulas

Since before recorded time, women have relied on each other to help navigate the transition into motherhood. We supported each other by sharing the burdens of everyday life and passing along the bits that we had found useful. Ember Birth doulas have the opportunity to step back into the traditional support model to meet you where you are.


Postpartum Doulas

The Fourth Trimester is the first 90 days after you give birth. It is a time when bonding and rest is of the utmost importance. We provide evidence based care regarding sleeping, feeding, newborn care, breastfeeding, baby wearing, sibling support, cooking, healing postpartum meals and teas also light housework, baby laundry and tidying up.

Placenta Encapsulation

Placenta Encapsulation is not a fad. Mammals have been consuming their placentas for all of time. The anecdotal evidence is overwhelmingly positive. Most moms report things such as increased energy, faster recovery, boost in milk production, increased mood, decreased bleeding, decrease in Postpartum Mood Disorders.


"Asking your partner to be your sole guide through labor is like asking your partner to lead the way on a climb of Mount Everest. Your partner may be smart and trustworthy, and you love this person, but in the Himalayas you'll both be better off with a sherpa."

Pam England

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